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How to get your home ready to sell (fast)!
If you’re thinking about selling, be sure to check out this free check-list of steps you need to take to make sure you and your home are...

Not all listings are created the same!
But I believe that every client at every price point deserves the same level of service and marketing. If you are contemplating selling,...

Housing Log jam
Have you been considering selling, but you’re still on the fence? Afraid you will sell quickly but have nowhere to move to? Homes are in...

Flooded Basement?
If you found water pouring into your basement this past weekend, you are not alone. Here are some things to remember as you go about...

Your Home Didn't Sell?
It can be frustrating to put your home on the market, expecting a fast sale, only to find that after six months you're still waiting for...

Realtor of the Year - 2017
Had a great time celebrating our Greenridge Realty office’s 2017 achievements at Big Boiler Brewing! I am honored to have received...

Congrats to Brandi & Daniel!
Congrats to Daniel & Brandi on buying their first family home! Buying a home is not only one of the biggest financial decisions of your...

Moving? I Can Help.
I'm proud to be part of this prestigious group, Leading RE, and the possibilities it creates for my clients. As an affiliate and chosen...

6 Misconceptions Regarding Value
Misconception #1. Repair costs are recouped in the sale price. Unfortunately this is not always the case. The sale price of your home...
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